Google Ads
Google Ads is Google’s online advertising program where you can create online ads to reach people exactly when they’re interested in the products and services that you offer. It is a Google product that you can use to promote your business, help sell products or services, and increase traffic to your website. Google also allows you to track your conversions by using global site tags and event snippet. To learn more about Google Ads and how it works, click here.
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Google Ads conversion rates tracking
To measure how much your business benefited from your ad campaign, Google Ads allows you to track your conversion rate through global site tags and event snippets. Using the global site tag sets new cookies on your domain, which will store a unique identifier for a user or the ad click that brought a user to your site. This ensures that Google Ads can measure conversions more accurately. The global site tag lets you specify which interactions with your website should be counted as Google Ads conversions. Both global site tags and event snippets work together to track your conversion accurately.
Connect Google Ads with your customer portal
OctopusPro allows you to connect your Google Ads with your customer portal to track your conversions easily. To do so, you need to add the code for both, global site tag and event snippet. To learn more about global site tags and event snippets, click here.
Global site tag
The global site tag should be placed on all pages of your customer portal. While this might not be an easy task for you, OctopusPro facilitates adding the code to all your customer portal pages automatically by following the below steps:
Go to Settings > Customer Portal > General Settings, and scroll down to Google ads. Copy and paste your global site tag code into the text box provided.

Event snippet
For website conversion tracking to work, the event snippet should be installed on the conversion page itself. OctopusPro automatically adds the code to your customer portal booking confirmation page. However, if you wish to measure your conversion rate in another way, contact our support team.
Go to Settings > Customer Portal > General Settings, and scroll down to Google ads. Copy and paste your event snippet code into the text box provided.

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