Update a Fieldworker’s Bank Details

Update a fieldworker’s bank details 

It is essential that a fieldworker’s bank account information is updated in their profile and saved on the system which include their bank name, account name, bank code, account number, branch address to ensure receiving their payments for their completed jobs. You can add and edit these information from the admin portal and your fieldworker can edit it from the fieldworker app. 

Updating a fieldworker’s bank account details from the fieldworker app 

Your fieldworker can update their bank account details using the fieldworker app. From the home page, select the “Menu” button at the top left of the page. 

They’ll be redirected to their profile page where they can edit their profile, then select the edit button.

After selecting the edit button, they’ll be able to edit their account, services and tools. Select “My Account” section and scroll down the page to the “Bank Account Details” section and select the field below to edit it.

They’ll be redirected to the bank account page to add and edit their account information that include their bank, account name, bank code and account number. after filling the needed information, click on the save button.

Adding a fieldworker’s bank account details as an admin user 

You can update your fieldworker’s bank account details from the admin portal. Go to fieldworkers from the side bar menu, you’ll be redirected to the “All fieldworkers” page and select the fieldworker you want to edit their profile.

Select the “View profile” button from the drop-down menu.

You’ll be redirected to the fieldworker profile. From the personal details section, go to “Bank account” and select the edit button to update your fieldworker’s bank account details.

After selecting the edit button, a pop-up window will appear to modify their bank account details and to fill in the needed information to edit the bank name, account name, bank code, account number, and the bank branch address. 

Then select the save button. 

Profile completion percentage 

There’s a percentage displayed below your fieldworker’s photo and their ratings, this percentage indicates the level of completion of their profile.

When selecting this percentage, a drop-down menu will appear to display things that affects their profile percentage which include; verifying their account, updating their personal details, confirming services, setting working hours, and signing contracts. 

Completing their bank account details information affects this percentage, so to know the missing details on their profile click on the percentage, if  “Update your personal details” is not completed this sign will be displayed “X” next to it.

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