Send a Booking Confirmation

Send a booking confirmation

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When a new booking is created, the system will prompt the user to send a booking confirmation to the customer. However, users can also send a booking confirmation to a customer and/or fieldworker via SMS or email at any time.

How to Email booking confirmation to customers or fieldworkers?

From the all bookings page

To send a booking confirmation email to a customer, from the admin user web view:

  1. Go to Bookings
  2. Click on upcoming or past booking
  3. Hover over the customer’s display name
  4. Click on the mail icon to send an email booking 

An email form will appear, you can fill in the following details:

  1. Enter the customer’s email
  2. Write or edit your subject line, or you can select from “Canned Responses”
  3. Attach additional files, note that the booking details are already attached.
  4. You can edit the email body, note that the email body is auto-generated. 
  5. Click on “Send” 

From the booking details page

To send an email from the booking details page, from the admin user web view:

  1. Go to Bookings
  2. Click on the upcoming or past booking
  3. Select the booking you wish to view, and from the actions button click on “View booking”

You will be redirected to the booking overview page, To send it to a customer :

-From the customer section on the booking overview page, Click on the Email icon, Then select “Send Booking confirmation”

-You can also remind your customers about the next booking by clicking on Email Next Booking Reminder.

– To send it to a fieldworker, From the fieldworker earnings section on the booking overview page

– click on Email icon to send email booking

An email form will appear, you can fill in the following details:

  1. Enter the customer’s email
  2. Write or edit your subject line, or you can select from “Canned Responses”. 
  3. Attach additional files, note that the booking details are already attached. 
  4. You can edit the email body, note that the email body is auto-generated.
  5. Click on Send 

How to send a booking to a customer or fieldworker via SMS

From the all bookings page

To send an SMS from the bookings list page, from the admin user web view, 

    1. Go to Bookings
    2. Click on upcoming or past booking
    3. Hover your mouse over the customer’s display name or fieldworker name
    4. Select SMS icon

An SMS form will appear so you can:

  1. Select the customer you want to send an SMS to
  2. Select Send booking SMS from the drop-down menu in the “Canned Responses
  3. The SMS is auto-generated but you can edit the body
  4. Click on “Send”

From the booking details page

To send an SMS from the booking overview page, from the admin user web page:

  1. Go to Bookings
  2. Click on upcoming or past booking
  3. From the actions button, click on “View booking”

To send it to a customer, You will be redirected to the booking overview page,

-From the customer section on the booking overview page, Click on the SMS icon, Then select “Send Booking confirmation”

An SMS form will appear so you can

  1. Select the customer you want to send an SMS to
  2. Select Booking confirmation SMS from the drop-down menu in the Canned Responses 
  3. The SMS is auto-generated but you can edit the body
  4. Click on “Send”

To send it to a fieldworker, You will be redirected to the booking overview page,

-From the fieldworker earnings section on the booking overview page, Click on “SMS” icon.

An SMS form will appear so you can

  1. Select the fieldworker you want to send an SMS to
  2. You can Select Send a message for Booking from “canned Responses”
  3. The SMS is auto-generated but you can edit the body
  4. Click on “Send”

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