Viewing a Fieldworker’s Booking Summary

Viewing a fieldworker’s booking summary

You can view a summary of all bookings assigned to a fieldworker. It will show bookings categorized by the booking status. This is easier for checking the bookings for each fieldworker.

Table of contents:

Viewing the fieldworker’s booking summary

From the fieldworker’s profile
  • To view a fieldworker’s booking summary, go to ‘Fieldworkers’ from the left sidebar menu, then click on the actions button and select “View profile” to view their fieldworker profile.

  • You’ll be redirected to the fieldworker’s profile page, under the ‘Activity’ tab, you’ll find all the bookings categorized by their statuses under the ‘Booking summary’ section.

From the booking list page
  • To view your fieldworker bookings go to Bookings > All bookings then click on “Filters” from the top right of the page, a pop-up window will appear to enter the filters and select the booking status and the fieldworker from the drop-down menus. Click on ‘Filter’.
  • For example, if you want to check the to-do bookings for Samuel, select to do in the booking status, select Samuel from the fieldworkers and click ‘filter’.

  • So now all the bookings To Do by Samuel will be filtered in the booking list page.

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