Estimate Contact a Customer

Contact a customer

Office staff may need to contact a customer regarding an estimate. The system makes communication with customers quick and easy. To do this:
  1. Go to the “Quotes”, select the quote you wish to send an email to.
  2. It will redirect to quote overview page, from “customer” section, click on the “Email” icon.
  3. Select “Email Quote”.

4. An email form will appear, Choose a canned response or type an email from the drop-down menu.

5. Press “Send”.

  1. Go to “Quotes”
  2. Select the type of estimate you wish to view or click All Estimates
  3. Hovering over the customer’s name a popup window will appear with a brief of his profile
  4. click one of the “Email” icons below the customer’s name, and select “Email Quote”.

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