Displaying the “Contact Us” Link in the Customer Portal

Displaying the “Contact Us” Link in the Customer Portal Menu

OctopusPro enables you to display a “Contact Us” link in your Customer Portal or Booking Widget, which provides a direct way for customers to inquire about your services.

Activating the “Contact Us” Link

Follow these steps to display the “Contact Us” link in your Customer Portal or Booking Widget:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Customer Portal > Flags & Permissions.
  2. Enable the Display link to “Contact Us” page in menu flag in the website flags sections.

Upon activation, a “Contact Us” link will appear on the top right corner of your customer portal homepage.

The Customer Inquiry Process

When customers click on the “Contact Us” link, they will see a quick inquiry form where they can enter their details, including their name, email, mobile, address, and a comment about the service they’re interested in.

The form has the following features:

  1. Preferred Response Time Selection: Customers can choose when they’d like to receive a response from a drop-down menu. They may choose options like “in the next few days,” “in the next few weeks,” or “as soon as possible.”

  2. Service Selection: To inquire about a specific service, customers click on Add service. If a mistake is made, the incorrect service can be deleted by clicking on the trash icon next to it. To inquire about more than one service, they can click on Add another service.

After clicking Get quote, an inquiry is sent to the admin user.

Customizing the Inquiry Form

You can customize the quick inquiry form to better suit your needs by going to Settings > Communications > Inquiry Form. For more details, visit our guide on customizing your lead capture form.

Admin Notifications and Inquiry Management

Once a customer inquiry has been submitted, admin users will receive a notification. They can then convert these inquiries into quotes, which customers can use to book services.

To view the inquiries submitted by customers, go to Inquiries > New inquiries from the side menu bar. All new inquiries will be displayed on this page.

For more information on managing inquiries, visit our guide on on managing inquiries and converting them into quotes.

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