Modify service commission
Depending on your payment agreement with your fieldworkers, you may need to modify the service commission for different services to each fieldworker. Service commission is the fieldworker share of the service price. For example, if the service total price is 500$, and you set the fieldworker commission for that service to be 50% for example, then the fieldworker share after doing this service would be 250$. You can decide what is the fieldworkers share for each service they provide, which gives you the power to decide how you want to pay your fieldworkers differently and for different services.
Table of contents
- Modifying service commission from the fieldworker profile
- Modifying service commission from the booking view page
- Modifying service commission from the booking view page when multiple services are selected for a single booking
- What is the effect of setting the fieldworker share per service on the fieldworker payment agreement
- What is the effect of setting the fieldworker share per service on the fieldworker service commission
- What is the benefit of setting the fieldworker share on a service level?
Modifying service commission from the fieldworker profile
Depending on your payment agreement with your fieldworkers, you may need to modify the service commission for different services to each fieldworker, there are two ways to do it, the first way is from the fieldworker profile.
- From your sidebar menu, go to Fieldworkers, then select your fieldworker from the fieldworker list.
- On the fieldworker profile, click on “Job Settings”, then click on “Services provided”.
- You will be able to view all the services added to your fieldworker profile which they provide.
- On the service you wish to modify the commission for, click on “Payrate & Commission”.
A pop-up window will appear, to set/modify your fieldworker commission rate for the selected service. You will need to set the base commission and upscale commission, you can set the amount as a percentage or a flat rate by selecting your option from the dropdown.
To learn more about setting a fieldworker share for a service click here.
Note that: the rate you set for the selected fieldworker for this service will (override) the rate you have set for all fieldworkers when creating the service and selecting how you choose to pay your fieldworkers. So, setting this pay rate is only for the selected fieldworker and selected service. To set/modify the commission for other services, follow the same instructions.
Modifying service commission from the booking view page
Depending on your payment agreement with your fieldworkers, you may need to modify the service commission for different services to each fieldworker on a booking level, meaning, you want to modify the service commission for a certain booking only. To do that
- From your sidebar menu go to Bookings > Upcoming or past bookings.
- On the booking list page, click on the booking you want to modify the service commission for.
- From “fieldworker earnings” section, click on the actions button, then select “Set fieldworker share”.
- Edit actions will appear that include the service share, the service pay rate, and the fieldworker share for this service which you can modify for this booking.
- Then, click on “Save” icon.
Note that: the amount you set for the service commission for this fieldworker and booking will override the fieldworker pay rate in general but only for the selected booking. The same changes won’t be applied to other bookings.
Modifying service commission from the booking view page when multiple services are selected for a single booking
Depending on your payment agreement with your fieldworkers, you may need to modify the service commission for different services to each fieldworker on a booking level, meaning, you want to modify the service/s commissions for a certain booking only.
In the case that the booking has multiple services selected, you can still modify the commission for each service on a specific booking. To do that,
- From your sidebar menu go to Bookings > Upcoming or past bookings.
- On the booking list page, click on the booking you want to modify the services commissions for.
- Scroll down to “fieldworker earnings” section, click on the Actions button, then select “Set fieldworker share”
- Edit actions will appear that include the fieldworker name, the fieldworker share, the service pay rate, and the fieldworker share for the selected services which you can modify for this booking.
- You can view the two services selected for this booking and the commission set for each for the fieldworker, you can modify the amount for each service.
- Then, click on “Save” icon.
Note that: the amount you set for the services commissions for this fieldworker and booking will override the fieldworker pay rate in general but only for the selected booking. The same changes won’t be applied to other bookings.
What is the effect of setting the fieldworker share per service on the fieldworker payment agreement
- When setting/modifying the fieldworker share per service, it will override the payment agreement you have set for your fieldworker.
- Admin users can set up a payment agreement for a certain Fieldworker to guarantee that the targeted Fieldworker will be paid based on a certain payment structure at all times.
- To do that, go to your fieldworker’s profile, click on Personal details, then click on Payment agreement, you can modify/set a fieldworker pay rate by clicking on the edit button.
- A popup window will appear, you will first select a payment structure, which can be a commission or an hourly rate, depending on how you wish to pay your fieldworker.
- Then, you will have to set the base commission and upsell commission for your fieldworker pay rate, and you can set the amount to be a percentage or flat rate.
To learn more about how you can set your fieldworker pay rate click here.
- After setting the fieldworker payment agreement, you will now guarantee that the fieldworker will be paid based on a certain payment structure at all times.
- However, in the case that you modify the fieldworker pay rate for a certain service from their profile, the fieldworker pay rate for the service will override the payment agreement you have set.
- So, when making a booking with the selected service and assigning the fieldworker to it, your fieldworker share will be calculated based on the pay rate you have set for your fieldworker for that service individually, and the payment agreement will be disregarded for that service.
What is the effect of setting the fieldworker share per service on the fieldworker service commission
When setting/modifying the fieldworker share per service for an individual fieldworker, it will override the overall fieldworker service commission set for the service.
When initially creating a service and setting the payment structure for it on the Cost & Payrate page, you can also set how you want to pay your fieldworkers for that service.
You will first select a ‘payment structure’, which can be a commission or an hourly rate, depending on how you wish to pay your fieldworker.
Then, you will have to set the ‘base’ commission and ‘upsell’ commission for your fieldworker pay rate, and you can set the amount to be a percentage or flat rate.
To learn more about how you can set your fieldworker pay rate click here.
After setting the service pay rate on a service level, it will be applied to all your fieldworkers unless you set the service pay rate for each fieldworker individually from their profile.
What is the benefit of setting the fieldworker share on a service level?
When setting each fieldworker’s payment agreement on their account, you can guarantee that your fieldworker will be paid based on a certain payment structure at all times. However, you may wish to pay your fieldworker differently for different services if your fieldworker provides multiple services for your business.
Different services may require different needs or have completely different prices, therefore, you will need to set a different commission or pay rate for each service individually to guarantee you are paying your fieldworker fairly.
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