View a fieldworker’s profile
A fieldworker’s profile holds all of their personal and business information. It shows their personal details, location on the map, and fieldworker’s activity which includes; a booking summary sorted by booking status and their job settings including services provided, contact history, business information, and device information. You can view or edit this information at any time.
Table of contents
- Viewing a fieldworker’s tag (contact/actions/calendar)
- Viewing a fieldworker’s activity as an admin user
- Viewing a fieldworker’s map
- Viewing a fieldworker’s personal details
- Viewing a fieldworker’s job settings
Viewing a fieldworker’s tag (contact/actions/calendar)
- To view your fieldworker’s profile, go to Fieldworkers from the side bar menu, you’ll be redirected to the “Fieldworkers” page where all your fieldworkers will be displayed there.
- Select the fieldworker you want to view his/her profile and from the actions button, click on “View profile” to view it.
- You’ll be redirected to the fieldworker’s profile where all their personal and business information will be displayed.
- Your fieldworker’s rating, status, contact details, actions, calendar, activity, map, personal details and job settings will be displayed as you can edit and view all this information.
- To view their contact, click on the “Contact” button, and select whether to send an SMS, Send an Email, or call the fieldworker.
- From the “Actions” button, you can edit their contact details, Edit their business details, add a label, login as a user, pay fieldworker, change their password, send a google calendar integration link, or delete fieldworker.
- From the “Calendar” button, you can view their local calendar.
Viewing a fieldworker’s activity as an admin user
- You can view your fieldworker’s activity which includes their booking summary, comments added to the discussion board, photos log, SMS log, Email log, call log, activity log, and login history.
- To view your fieldworker’s activity, go to the fieldworker’s profile and click on the “Activity” button.
Booking summary
- You can view your fieldworker’s “Booking summary” which is the booking status for their assigned jobs whether they are completed, to do, failed, on hold, canceled, tentative, to schedule, awaiting approval, and declined bookings.
- You can click on any of them to view more details about the booking. To know more about a fieldworker’s booking summary click here.
Discussion Board
- You can view added comments on the fieldworker’s discussion board and you can also add a comment to it.
- To add a comment to the discussion board, click on the “Add comment” button. A pop-up window will appear to leave comments, add attachments and control their visibility.
- To know more about adding a comment to a discussion board click here.
Photos log
- You can view your fieldworker’s photo log, all their added photos uploaded for different bookings from their profile.
- Go to the “Photos Log” to view uploaded photos, also you can manage to edit these photos by selecting the edit button.
- After selecting the edit button, you’ll be redirected to the photos page to edit the displayed photos.
SMS log
- An SMS log can be viewed from the fieldworker’s activity section, you can view all automated outgoing SMS, SMSs sent by fieldworkers, and SMSs received by fieldworkers.
- To know more about viewing a fieldworker’s SMS log click here.
Email log
- All your fieldworker’s sent and received emails can be viewed in the “Email Log” section where you can view the email sent to whom, the subject of the email, added attachments, and the sent or received date.
- To know more about viewing your fieldworker’s Email log, click here.
Call log
- You can view your fieldworker’s calls, their time and duration and the callee names that are displayed in the call log section from your fieldworker’s profile.
- To know more about viewing your fieldworker’s call log, click here.
Activity log
- You can view all your fieldworker’s activities and the changes made in their bookings, whether invoices changed to bookings, changed booking statuses or any edits done in their bookings will be displayed in the activity log section.
- To know more about your fieldworker’s activity log, click here.
- You can view all your fieldworker’s login history, go to “Login history” to view the logged company name, device name, app name, Os, and last login date.
Viewing a fieldworker’s map
- You can view your fieldworker’s map which includes; their new requests that you can accept by selecting the accept button, awaiting update requests, awaiting approval requests, unapproved complaints, open complaints, unapproved payments, unpaid invoices, declined bookings, and new messages.
- You can edit all these displayed statues on the fieldworker’s map, go to the fieldworker’s profile and select the “Map” button to view it.
Viewing a fieldworker’s personal details
- You can view your fieldworkers’ saved personal details which include their bio, account details, business information, payment agreement, bank account, signature, owners, sub-workers, documents, video, social networks, and devices.
- To view their personal details, go to the fieldworker’s profile and select the” Personal details” button.
Bio and account details
- Your fieldworker’s bio and account details can be viewed and edited by admin users. Go to “Bio” and select the arrow to view it.
- To edit their bio, select the edit button and a pop-up window will appear to “Modify Bio”, then you can edit or add a bio in the displayed text box.
- To view a fieldworker’s account details, select the drop-down menu and all details will be displayed including; their role, display name, first name, last name, address, town/city, state/region, email, and mobile number.
Custom fields and business information
- You can view and edit a fieldworker’s added custom fields by selecting the drop-down menu of “Custom fields”.
- To edit them, select the edit button and a pop-up window will appear to “Modify custom fields” then select the save button.
- You can view and edit a fieldworker’s business information by selecting the drop-down menu of “Business information” to view detailed information.
- To edit them, select the edit button and a pop-up window will appear to “Modify fieldworker info” then select the save button.
Payment Agreement and Bank account
- You can view and edit the payment agreement and bank accounts of your fieldworkers.
- The payment agreement includes the fieldworker’s payment structure, hourly rate, overtime rate, and first-hour rate. You can also edit this payment agreement according to the fieldworker, Select the edit button.
- After selecting the edit button, a pop-up window will appear to set the fieldworker payrate.
- To know more about updating the payment agreement, click here.
- You can view your fieldworker’s bank account information, the bank name, account name, bank code, account number, and branch address and you can also edit this information by selecting the edit button.
- A pop-up window will appear to modify bank account details and fill in the following text boxes. Then select the “Save” button.
- To know more about updating a fieldworker’s bank details, click here.
- You can view their saved signature by selecting the drop-down menu and also you can edit it by selecting the edit button.
- A pop-up window will appear to edit the user’s signature.
Owners and sub workers
- You can view and edit a fieldworker’s owners and sub-workers. To edit their owners which are their business managers, select the “Edit” button.
- A pop-up window will appear to modify their owners and you’ll be redirected to the fieldworker’s owners page to add a new owner.
- To add a new owner, select the “New Owner” button.
- A pop-up window will appear to add a new owner’s contact details.
- To view or edit their sub-workers, select the edit button.
- You‘ll be redirected to the “Subworkers” page, and you can add a new subworker by selecting “Create New Subworker”.
Documents, videos, social networks, and devices
- You can view your fieldworker’s added documents, videos, social networks, and active devices.
- Go to the fieldworker’s profile and select the “Personal details” section. Then go to “Documents” and select the drop-down menu to view their added documents, including insurance documents, trade licenses, and driver licenses.
- Click on the “New insurance” button to add new insurance.
- A pop-up window will appear to add the insurance policy number, its start date, expiry date, insurance listed services covered, and insurance type, and you can upload a photo to be displayed.
- Then click on the “Save” button.
- To add a trade license, click on the “New trade license” button.
- A pop-up window will appear to add a trade licence number, trade licence class, start date, expiry date and upload photos.
- To add a driver’s licence, click on the “New driver licence” button.
- A pop-up window will appear to add a driver’s licence number, driver’s licence class, and expiry date, and upload photos.
- You can view your fieldworker’s added videos or you can add or remove a video link from the field below.
- A fieldworker’s social network and its link can be displayed under “Social networks, you can edit or add their social network name and link then select the “Save” button or you can delete it by selecting the “Delete” button.
- You can view your fieldworker’s active device that is used during their working period. Go to “Devices” and the device model, id, name, and version will be displayed below.
- To know more about displaying a fieldworker’s social network links, click here.
Viewing a fieldworker’s job settings
- You can view your fieldworkers’ saved job settings which include their travel radius, services provided, working hours, assets, fieldworker flags, contract agreement, and travel radius.
- To view their job settings, go to the fieldworker’s profile and select the “Job settings” button.
- You can easily set your fieldworkers’ travel radius for mobile services in order to easily match available fieldworkers within the radius to the bookings. The default travel radius will be used as a default value for all your fieldworkers who hadn’t set their travel radius in their profiles, If you don’t have a default travel radius applied in your settings, then the travel radius will be ignored completely when matching fieldworkers with bookings.

Services provided
- You can view your fieldworker’s added services from “Services provided” by selecting the drop-down menu.
- To add a service, click on the “Add service” button.
- A pop-up menu will appear to select which services you want to add for the fieldworker, then click on Save.
Working hours
- It’s essential that your fieldworker’s working hours are updated to ensure their availability when a job is assigned to them.
- You can add and view their working hours by going to “Working hours” and selecting the drop-down menu. Their working hours will be displayed below.
- To add working hours to your fieldworker, select the “Add more hours” button.
- A pop-up window will appear to manage their working hours by selecting the day and time.
To know more about updating your fieldworker’s working hours, click here.
- You can view and add new assets to your fieldworker’s profile which include vehicles, equipment, products, and apparatus.
- Go to “Assets” and select the drop-down menu, the added assets will be displayed below.
- To view their vehicles, go to the vehicles tab and they will be displayed there.
- To add a new vehicle select the “New vehicle” button.
- A pop-up window will appear to add its registration number, make, model, model year, and color, and you can upload a photo.
- To view the equipment that they’ll use in their job, select the equipment tab and it will be displayed below.
- To add a new one, select the “New equipment” button.
- A pop-up window will appear to add new equipment, so you can add the equipment name and its photo in the displayed text boxes.
- To view a fieldworker’s products used in their job, select the products tab and it will be displayed below.
- To add a new one, select the “New product” button.
- A pop-up window will appear to add a new product, so you can add the product name in the following text box.
- To view a fieldworker’s apparatus used in their job, select the “Apparatus” tab and it will be displayed below.
- To add a new one, select the “New apparatus” button.
- A pop-up window will appear to add a new apparatus in the following text box then click on the save button.
Fieldworker flags
You can view added flags on your fieldworker’s profile that are reflected your customers and they can be enabled or disabled. Go to the “Fieldworker flags” and select the drop-down menu to view them.
A fieldworker’s flags include;
– Displaying booking billing amount to fieldworker: your Fieldworker can see the quoted amount for bookings, meaning that your Fieldworker can see how much your customers are being charged for their bookings.
– Display fieldworker profile on the customer portal: your fieldworker’s profile will be displayed on the customer portal.
– Display fieldworker profile earnings for bookings: your Fieldworker can see their earnings for each booking in the app.
– Display fieldworker date joined to customers.
You can enable or disable these flags by switching on and off these toggle buttons.
Contract Agreement
- You can view your fieldworker’s contacts made in their profile by going to “Contract agreement” and selecting the drop-down menu. Any contract agreement made with this fieldworker will be displayed below.
Travel radius
- You can view your fieldworker’s travel radius, which is the maximum distance they’re willing to travel for bookings. so, they can limit the distance they are willing to travel for mobile services, they can set their max travel distance in order to only match with bookings within that radius.
- If they don’t have a max travel distance applied in their profile, or the max travel distance added is 0, then their max travel distance will depend on the default travel radius setup in your company’s admin account.
- You can edit the travel radius by selecting the edit button.
- A pop-up window will appear to write the KM of the travel radius in the following text box.
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