Add a Complaint to an Estimate

Add a complaint to an estimate

If a customer makes a complaint via telephone, the employee receiving the complaint should make a record of this by adding it to the estimate. To do this:
  1. Go to the “Quotes”, select the quote you wish to add an issue to
  2. On the overview quote page, click on the “issues” section.
  3. Select “Report Issue”

On the pop-up window, first, select the issue type, depending on the type of issue. Then, tick the To Follow checkbox if the issue is still to follow, and has not been resolved. After that, select the Deferred Date of the issue from the calendar, which is the date the issue will take to be resolved.

Finally, add the issue in the Comment field. Click on “Save” to add the issue to the booking.

  1. Go to “Quotes”
  2. Select the type of estimate you wish to view or select All Quotes
  3. Select “Add Issue”

5. Choose the issue type from the list using the drop-down arrow
6. Add the details of the complaint
7. Press “Submit”

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